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Man, it's been a while since I last wrote anything. Today's topic? Relatable, I bet. Life's on fast forward, and my friend seems to be lapping everyone in this race. Scrolling through Instagram, I see their snapshots. I'm happy for them, but also, it feels damn, they've come so far. It feels like I'm stuck at the starting line they left behind.

Then it hits me – this is adulthood. Suddenly, I get why that damn Ross from Friends freaked out over a stolen sandwich. We all start at the same place, but the racecourse itself changes. My friend might've reached their goal, but they're probably envious of someone else's achievement too. We're all just trying to walk a mile in someone else's shoes, right?

Even writing this feels like a release. Every word type feels like a weight off my chest. This whole "adulting" thing is unsettling, and finding my groove will take time. Remember that rebellious teenager I used to be? Now I listen to my boss (well, most of the time). I avoid pointless arguments, but you bet I'll happily join the friendly chaos on a Mumbai train ride. Look, I won't lie – the boss-employee relationship can be a real "saas-bahu" situation (for those unfamiliar, it's basically a never-ending drama between a mother-in-law and her daughter-in-law). Gotta vent somehow, right? We all have those days.

The good news? I've discovered some "cheat codes" to deal with this stressful life, even if it's just temporary. The first and most important one: talk it out. Not with your boss – that's a recipe for disaster. Talk to your loved ones! Rant about your day, let it all out. But choose wisely – Gen Z, I'm looking at you. Sharing your vulnerabilities with the wrong person can backfire, making things worse. So, vent with the right crowd, and even if your problems aren't magically solved, at least you'll feel lighter for a while. You've successfully outsmarted your daily stress, at least for a while.

So there you have it, folks. My not-so-secret weapon against adulting woes. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a date with a giant pile of work files and a serious case of "Where did all the time go?"



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