My first, what does it mean ? it means a lot, like your feelings your emotion, your excitement towards it. for e.g. first bike riding, first accident, first proposal,first rejection,first salary and many more endless things..its that trivia which never ends just make us forget our past one..
do you remember your first? i am sure you are and might have been guessed yet i want to say it your birth. what would be best then life your first which people experienced once is birth and death.
The sand and sea is the perfect example of life and death as when you are born you are between sea and sand if sea water increase you die because of tsunami and if it decrease you die due to lack of water..the one who make a proper balance between this have more chances of making his/her firsts in different beings of life. he/she get chance to live more,to gain more,to explore more.
I am not a nanny that i'll path your ways towards the part of the journey i just want to share a part of it as blogging was part of my first and this is my first blog which i represent this towards you..and further i'll share more blogs on part of my life like small stories,
so see you all in my next first..
till then take care my friends..
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