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Satisfaction is a myth!!

I am not gonna explain you much today, you all know that in life we all are never gonna satisfied by our desire cause this our the neverending without wasting time let me tell you one of my experiences..

I'll tell you my story, I am from a middle class family and my father has to struggle alot for the betterment of our family..I still remember when I was small I used to love to play with car..that small steel car were expensive but my father used to bought for me in bunch for my happiness he cost cutted is food habit so he could buy toys for by day my demands were increasing he was fulfilling without even making me realizing how much he has to struggle just to see me mom saw this so she decided that she has to takeover the situation...she had a conversation with my father and told him that if he demand something again give him that thing after a father got shocked and ask her "why?". She told " just wait and watch you will see the result". After fews days I demanded one more car to my father and he told me "yes beta,I'll bring it soon". At night when father came back home I asked me "papa,where's my car?", he told me "i forgot beta,tomorrow I'll bring it".. I got upset and went to father was not able to see my sad face, he was dying from inside..i wish i would have brought it,but i can't..
One week went and i was getting furious and why papa is not bringing the car..and I slept everyday with that anger..15 days went and I forgot my desire...I slept peacefully,played everyday with my old toys enjoying my day...... by the end of the month he bought the car for me..and for the first time my excitement were died..i was like "oh good,i got one more car for my collection" for 5-10 times this types of situation happen to me and then i realize that my 'satisfaction is just a myth' cause if in actual I don't real need that car its just a fake hope which makes me excited all the time and makes me fool...

From that lesson I understood that my mom motto was to make me realize what are my real desires which make me happy as well as my family...and father motto was to fulfilled my every desire even if it is stupid but just to make me happy...both of their bond made me realize that 'satisfaction is a myth,untill it is inevitable'..



  1. Very well written and nicely explain..i loved way of you write and explain...very nice..

    1. So sweet of you sir...that you appreciate my writing skill..

  2. Our desires never ends & that's very true !!!
    But , also we must realize our happiness 🤗with satisfaction in all we have accomplished in our life , may it be money, friends , purpose,etc ....
    Keep writing ✍ur blogs & keep going........
    Got a lot to learn , Nice blog!!!!

    1. Maam your reply reaaly means a lot to me..and i am glad that you like my blogs


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