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What does failure mean? Does it means your career is finished/doomed or does it means you are capable to do nothing in your life or in simple language you are just a loser...
I would say NO. Failure means one more chance to prove yourself that people will dump you down even your own laziness can but once you get the tag of FAILURE you will put yourself on fire just to prove wrong to the people or yourself that I AM NOT A FAILURE.

Imagine when a Rocket is been launch the power used to throw the rocket to space is huge. You are the Rocket which is sitting ideally and someone switch ON the launch button(pokes you that you are a big loser)
you feel a boost full of negativity in your mind(I AM NOT A FAILURE!!!) and the heat of yours throw yourself in the space(success) in an instance. Feels good, but these types of cases are like 1 in a million.

Now you might be thinking why so this type of case is like in 1 in a million?? Let me explain it.

Failure is the tag that can be achieved easily but overcoming it is a difficult process cause once a person faces failure they also had to face anxiety, depression and the worst is society who judge him every single day as if he is been a burden to them. Today's society is been called the social media society and things get viral here just in a BLINK OF AN EYE. And I personally feel cool when I am away from social media cause scrolling continuously makes me sick and cloak my brain and when the day end I feel guilty that I wasted another precious moment of my life. I am now a guinea pig of being active on social media, sometime I try my best to get rid of it...and I am sure one day I will succeed.

Went a little off topic but the motto I want to keep towards you might be clear you are in the race in which there is no finish line, The day you are born the race start and you are gonna run for it till you die.

Let me share with you an example :
He is not a person he is an art, an inspiration for me COLONEL SANDERS
I bet many of you have still not recognized him. He had been fire from 4 jobs had a huge loss in his first business as well as had also had a huge loss in his second business due to fire then too he never lose hope, rebuilt his business i.e. motel but had to close it due to world war II. During the war, he tried to franchise his own recipe for which he was rejected 1,009 times, and finally, Sander "SECRET RECIPE" was coined by 'KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN" and become a hit!!!!
He received his success at the age of 62 where others lose hope and left the race Sander determination, his faith rebirth in the name of the well-known empire KFC.

1 in a million cases is rare and this was one of them. Failure gave depression, no it also gives determination, faith it just depends on you how you grab it.
That's all from my side

-Stillwriting does not succeed yet


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