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  LIFE IS A PARTY, AND YOU ARE THE PINATA. - Adulthood  Man, it's been a while since I last wrote anything. Today's topic? Relatable, I bet. Life's on fast forward, and my friend seems to be lapping everyone in this race. Scrolling through Instagram, I see their snapshots. I'm happy for them, but also, it feels damn, they've come so far. It feels like I'm stuck at the starting line they left behind. Then it hits me – this is adulthood. Suddenly, I get why that damn Ross from Friends freaked out over a stolen sandwich. We all start at the same place, but the racecourse itself changes. My friend might've reached their goal, but they're probably envious of someone else's achievement too. We're all just trying to walk a mile in someone else's shoes, right? Even writing this feels like a release. Every word type feels like a weight off my chest. This whole "adulting" thing is unsettling, and finding my groove will take time. Remember tha
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In the realm of emotions, love reigns supreme, a wondrous sensation that sets our hearts ablaze. Its beauty lies in its disregard for wealth, caste, or creed; true love, in essence, is pure and boundless. In today's fast-paced world, the younger generation seems to sprint through life, even before they've fully embraced their youth. Their so-called "true love" may often be nothing more than fleeting attraction—bewildering and enigmatic, like a riddle waiting to be solved. And truth be told, of a hundred childhood love stories, only a meager 5% stand the test of time, while the remaining 95% are but a dance of the young, naive, and financially unsteady. Consider the tale of my imaginary friend, Rose, hailing from a modest middle-class family. During her college days, she fell head over heels for a captivating young man named Ryan, the heartthrob of the entire institution. Charmed by his presence, Rose spared no effort in wooing him, with coffee chats and thoughtful ges


"Once in a blue moon" - that's how I'd describe my journey in life so far. I'm no expert or psychologist, but I'll share what I've learned from my own experiences. My past self was quite the wild child , but life had a way of bringing me back down to earth.  Here are a few tips that helped me evolve into a better person: 1 . Keep your inner circle small . I used to be an extrovert with a large circle of friends, but life taught me the importance of quality over quantity. A single friend who treats you well is worth more than a hundred acquaintances. 2 . Know when to hold your tongue . I used to have a short fuse and would always be ready to fight. But as I grew older and took on more responsibilities, I learned that sometimes it's better to step back from a heated situation and avoid a fight. Saying sorry is not a sign of weakness, it's a sign of maturity. 3 . Keep your mind occupied . During the Covid pandemic, I had too much free time and my mi


Does Rejection poke you and affect you mentally? Let me share an incident that might have occurred to you; sometimes by seeing the success of your friend you feel quite low which causes your day-to-day action more depressing, more tainted, or chafing. Like finger pinpoints on you WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR LIFE? DON'T YOU HAVE THE POTENTIAL? AM I A FAILURE/LOSER? Well, the reason I can spotlight this is. Recently I faced this situation, and the impact that happened was that it shattered my day-to-day activity. The un-well brainiac made me more lethargic than ever before and by the end of the day, I would feel guilty as well as stressed and simply condemn myself for wasting another ravishing day. Let me elaborate a little. My summer break started and I had little to do in activity. So I started peeking for an internship to keep myself occupied, but as a fresher, you don't get opportunities knocking on your door. You had to be patient, which I was not, which led to me over-thi

I mean, sure, I have my bad days, but then I remember what a cute smile I have - Chandler Bing

 An average individual overthinks roughly 60,000-80,000 thoughts per day. Fascinating fact isn't it. Which are healthy according to some well-known researchers.  So now you all might be wondering what's my scratch here. Well well, you know every coin has two faces so does overthinking. One of the good is, if the person notes down in his journal it would be one of the greatest invaluable assets he can ever have, sadly most of the people don't and are missing the charisma of it. So if you are reading my blog then do start writing your good overthinking, you will thank me later for it. and now the other side - bad, which is like an onion; Once you start overthinking our mind starts peeling off the layer one after the other leading to inescapable possibility which just makes us sad, like terrifically low it can make a person ushering to some unintentional mindless conclusion.  Which I am sure no one wants to experience in life but sadly at some point one confronts it. I am pret


"Our journey of life is like a rollercoaster, full of ups and downs." The phrase is a zillion years old but still, the metaphorical lines say a lot. Today in the world of the rat race this topic is highly outdated but ain't old cause while focusing on the competition, people often forget the goal for which they were competing. The main motto of writing this blog is to make people educated by explaining the difference between our desire and happiness.  "If you earn money in more than 6 digits you are happy". the common answer you might receive from any teen or adult. it is so stuck in our mindset that even if we want to step into something new the first to stop us by stepping into it will be our mind, then our parents. you read it right, Just ask yourselves once WHY???  I did, the answer was pretty simple and I suppose it would be similar to yours...We see happiness in our desire and for that, we just do hard work to earn a minimal penny. If we had done smart wo


Love is such a beautiful feeling, an emotion that pulps our heartbeat to the extreme. You know the beauty of love is it doesn't see how rich you are or from which caste, religion you belong. In short, I would like to state true love is pure. Well, Today's GenZ who had not even hit puberty got a girlfriend. Between that age, all are crazy Their true love is just their attraction, it's not a feeling, but God knows who can explain. Well, some might offend but facts speak out of 100 only 5% of the childhood love stories are successful rest 95% are nothing just "Young, dumb and broke". Now to handle the situation some move on(wise) whereas some are unable to digest and in that rush of hunger attraction they become desperate to find their true love and make some foolish choices in which some learn a lesson and same some don't. Let me give you an example of my imaginary friend Robin, Robin is from a middle-class family and during his college times he had an immense